Week 5 Part B: Learning About Facebook Data Collecting

Tonight, the topic being discussed is: Post Reach and Post Engagement. 

    These two terms measure the amount of audience traffic a Facebook page receives. In fact, both have high importance in determining the performance of an online page, specially if created with entrepreneurial goals. The “post reach” allows a business owner to view the amount of accounts being reached by his posts. Such advantage allows the owners to either keep their post style the same or re-strategize their post content according with their post reach numbers. 
    Secondly, “post engagement” displays the total activity on each shared posts, which include: comments, sharing, likes, and tagging. Thereof, whoever manages the account will be shown an insight of his or her post activities and its audience interactions. 
    We can learn from both post reach and engagement that it is paramount for business owners to stay on top of their audience reactions by their media posts. 
    Businesses should indeed utilize this audience traffic tool to promote better posts and catchier content for the audience that they are aiming to attract. As I mentioned, businesses can re-strategize their posting content or frequency depending on the numbers the post reach and post engagement provides. 

    Note: I commented on Sarah Mitulski’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/PlayGround222 and Alexander Garza’s page: https://www.facebook.com/DarkSidedStrength/



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