I could not comment on anybody’s theme posts for the life of me! I did check them all out and will leave a list of who’s I saw and a comment for each. I would not like to miss points for technical difficulties.

- I was able to comment of Jose Mendoza’s post as “anonymous” but left my name attached with another comment. 

- I also saw the theme of Dude Riot which was pretty awesome with all that style he designed his blog. I really liked the car video he attached. 

- And also I checked Megan Radzinski’s travel blog. It is unfortunate that she could not upload pictures to her blog because they were more than 3MB. But i liked how she utilized the color green as her background, which resembles pine trees. 

I apologize for this solution, but I do not want to miss a single assignment. I hope I can get some credit if not full. :) I will get some help to solve this issue asap. 


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