CSIT155-Fall2022: Week 2 Part A: Communication Between Business & Consumer

    Communicating with businesses has taken a relative sharp turn over the years. With the rise of social media, it is quite simple for businesses to promote their products or services with the aid of social media. The vividness and user traffic that a business may gain is worth the involvement into the social media arena. In fact, customers can easily obtain information about a business to reach out to them via email, phone number, or direct message. It is evident that businesses nowadays rely on social media for an enhanced communication with their clientele. 

    While searching for different reviews on yelp, I looked up some of my favorite restaurants in Vista, Oceanside and Carlsbad. Most of them had excellent reviews, specially “Yellow Deli” which offers a tranquil environment to students and readers, with an addition of great smoothies and sandwiches. 

When it comes to comment on a business, I personally try to only comment good qualities of such. If I was the owner, I’d feel concerned if someone reviewed my business as a three or two star. Plus, it is my desire to see small businesses to grow and excel in their fields. 

Now, if I had a business and saw comments and reviews, I would always respond on the most respectful fashion, always guarding my reputation and promoting a welcoming tone for future clientele or returning customers. Never offending or sounding too straight forward. 

I really like Yellow Deli which is located in Vista, CA. It is a very nice spot to go read and have a cup of great coffee!


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