Week 3 Part A - Aesthetics, Design, and Branding.

<< Websites which I found unappealing >> 


Three potential problems for visitors with this online store is: one, the lack of pictures; two, the excessive amount of paragraphs; and three, the lack of space between each section. It seems as if everything was hot and dry. Unbreathable. 
This specific website gives off an energy that the user’s comfort was not taken into account. The fact that everything is so lumped together, seems as if someone copied and pasted texts and uploaded its URL. 
I would personally recommend to add less words and more pictures. Also, more interactive buttons, and a more appealing contrast. Overall, not to have it as a huge text to read with poor colors. 


Penny Juice displays a plethora of vivid, bright colors, which in its own excess defeats their own purpose. Not only having too much color deflects eye attention, it also makes it tiring to the user’s vision. Also, the brand name does not encourage further reading. By this I mean “Penny” Juice, and its slogan “It makes cents”. 
It is evident that while creating this website, the customer’s browse comfort was not quite taken into consideration. 
Some changes this website could make is having actual pictures of their actual juices! It displays random google pictures, which makes it shady. Also, a more modern sort of look. Plus rearranging the color display. 

<<Websites which I found appealing>> 


This website is highly modern, and displays cars in such a way that makes you want to purchase them all. The way the pictures and colors are arranged is well thought, and matching. 
The user has a very comfortable browse based on guided steps and easy to find buttons. Also pictures really help. 
The overall design and aesthetic of this page impacts me in the way that it shows how much they care for your comfort and business. 


Apple has such a unique style which is minimalistic and simple. This sets originality and a very aesthetic look. With menu buttons, Apple makes navigation extremely easy. 
The overall design and general use of the website impacts the customer in such a way that the online experience is pleasant and easy. Thus, bringing more customers and sells. 

Concussion paragraph: 

Aesthetics overall are highly important to generate sells, because without customers, there is no business. Therefore, the design of all websites should always be well thought and even, if possible, invest in professional help to ensure a website offers the best quality service for navigation and reaches the best levels of customer comfort. This, as I mentioned, will increase the chances of higher business and will bring up the selling capability and reach of that specific online store. 


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