Week 4 Part A: Defining Target Markets.

This week’s post focuses on two catering businesses: 

Subway https://order.subway.com/en-US  and Hungry Bear https://www.hungrybeardeli.com/contact. As we are aware, subway is an international company which operates in various franchises across the world. In the other hand, Hungry Bear is a local, family owned business which is located in Vista, CA. 

My aim was to make a thorough comparison of both websites. One of the main differences that is quite noticeable is that Subway has its website in such a manner that it highly displays their massive commercial focus. In fact, Subway utilizes football backgrounds to display their sandwiches in order to create this general idea for costumers to relate Subway sandwiches with “Sunday Games” or “Fun”. This is a great marketing strategy which sets a very strong tone when promoting food and consumables. Whereas Hungry Bear has a deeper focus on quality and service. Thus, this local website stays consistent with trust building techniques and encourages the clientele to search Yelp reviews in order to maintain their consumption levels at a maximum. 

Subtle differences about these two websites is that Subway offers a chance for investors to own their own Subway franchise if desired, in comparison of Hungry bear, which only offers VIP benefits to anybody who may become interested. 

Crossover between customers does happen all the time. The percentage of customer activity in local and national brands rates that 82.78% of traffic fluctuates between small and large businesses. Therefore, customer crossover can be the case with most businesses. 

My conclusion about the tone and message of a website is that all websites have their own picture. By this I mean that all businesses display a certain tone. Therefore, we can feel which businesses resemble their vibe with us and thus approach them. Without mentioning that color, design, and overall aesthetics play a huge role in the customer attraction, because without it, it simply makes itself unsuccessful 


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