Week 7 Part A: Get a Visual with Instagram

    Currently I have a functioning business page on Instagram. My page link is: https://www.instagram.com/california_rad_patches/ 

    I personally chose instagram for a professional page for its simplicity of use and wide reach it offers. Also, there are a great pool of individuals who’s profiles are meant to boost businesses promotion through collaborations. Specially with reels, it has an oversimplified process to make short videos which have a great deal of reach. These are great tools businesses can exploit in order to expand quickly and broadly. 

    At the moment, my Instagram page has 39 followers total. The profile has been active for a total amount of three months. I will say that the follower group is quite rigorous to gain, for the only main display in my page is merchandise related. Sometimes I think if posting about my personal life would bring more traffic into my account. 

    I tend to posts stories at least once a week, however, finding engaging content is not the easiest thing. I might want to posts about my merchandise, however, in some instances, I feel that it gets repetitive. I have a patch supply of 500+ patches which I need to sell before developing new ones. 

    Also, for my profile, hashtags are rarely used. I will definitely start utilizing that resource in order to acquire a higher promoting leap. Furthermore, I follow a couple of other businesses which are similar to mine. Usually these are small local businesses who give me a general idea of how my page should perform and what sort of content should I post. I am not going to lie, I am a little lost in the sauce, but this class is sorting things out for me really well. 


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