Week 8 Part B: Your Instagram Hashtag Use

    On this week post, I will be sharing how I utilized the hashtag tool in my instagram business page though three different posts. 

    Firstly, I posted a new product release picture for a palm tree patch. This post included a total of two pictures: one displaying my product in a modeling fashion, and the second posts focusing on the close up features of the patch. Additionally, I utilized hashtags for my post. On this instance I utilized #palmtrees #beach because it resembles the overall post to the full extent. 

    On my second post, I shared another new product release of a banana patch. The post consisted of two pictures, which depicted the modeling of the product and another showing the details of fabric and design. Another addition to the post were hashtags which were: #banana #beach #patch which covered the overall message of the post. 

    On my third and last post, I shared two pictures of a new hula dancing palm tree patch. One picture of a modeling perspective and the second of patch material and details. The hashtags I utilized were #hula #dance #palmtree which it the actual name of the patch but in hashtag mode. 

    For the postings, I was able to learn that hashtags are a tool that we can exploit quite simply. There is no maximum amount of hashtags we can use to boost our audience reach, therefore, if we are not using such in our business posts, we should start! My favorite posting time of day is at 5:30pm when most people are relating from the working schedule and media traffic is higher. 


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