Week 9 Part B: Using Categories

Blog Post 2: Explain what kinds of categories you would use on your blog/vlog/podcast or webinars to stay organized and reach your target audience. How would these categories help the business grow?

Add a screen capture of your Instagram/FaceBook posts to your 2nd blog post. 

 Read and comment on 3-5 of your group members/classmates blog posts about adding a personal touch on a business blog. Include the name of the blogs you commented on at the bottom of your Monday Categories Post.

KINDS OF CATEGORIES (marketing and business personal stories - podcast) 

If I had to include two categories in a podcast to reach my target audience, I would considered the mentioned. Firstly, I would talk in a business short podcast that I would publish in my Instagram, how marketing works for my field of work. I would explain how difficult it can be to gain an audience, in order to gain trust in my clients as a legitimate local business owner. 

Secondly, I would also share how I started my business. Form the initial ideas to the economic investments. This effort would be aiming to explain how everything came to be in this business in order to gain trust in my audience. 

The following are pictures of both instagram posts and facebook post for this week. 

The following are the names of the classmates’ posts I commented on. (For some reason it does not allow me to comment directly on their blogs so I will just add their names and comments below). 

1. Towa’s Post on Personal Touch: I like how Towa explains that personal touch makes things more interesting. Also another thing I kept from his posts is that for clothing brands, we should make videos to add perspective to our products instead of simply promoting it. 

2. Emmanuel’s Post on Personal Touch: it is very true how personal touch can provoke a deeper connection with your customers as Emmanuel said. I believe that is a really good point and it should not be taken lightly. 

3. Alex’s Post on Personal Touch: I find it very interesting what he said. He is opening a fitness center and plans on posting all his fitness journey and progress. This will create an energy of community and mutual growth in my opinion. Another strong benefit of adding personal posts


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