Week B Part A: How to Expand Your Reach in Instagram

    In this week’s discussion, I will be fully analyzing how different businesses in the field of clothing manage their professional instagram account. 

    The following companies will be utilized to complete the analytical process. Each business will have designated paragraphs for their insight. 

    1. Melk Co. 

    This clothing company is based in Manchester, United Kingdom. Surprisingly, the use of hashtags is not quite utilized in most of their instagram posts. However, whenever used, they tend to address the “style” audience with their hashtags. It seems that Instagram is working effectively for them. Their follower pool is of 4,519 members. Their frequency of post is on a monthly basis, which is aimed for each month’s new topic, with a new item arriving every so often. Furthermore, the content that gets the most response from the audience is that of hoodie aesthetic pictures. The like number ranges in the 1k for such posts. And their comments range  at 20 to 30 per post. 

    It is agreeable that this is not a large scale business, however, it is evident that sales are taking place. The last post that was made was that of sweat pants with a total of 245 likes and 49 comments. 

    2. GTF Apparel 

    “God The Father Apparel” is a Christian religious based brand which focuses on clothing items. Their hashtags vary but the majority are religion based and are used on reels and not necessarily on traditional pots. Their posts are quite different, each with its own style and message, always displaying new clothing items. GTF Apparel has a total of 83.7k followers and receive from 200 to 500 likes per typical pots with 15-25 comments each. 

    From the analytical perspective, it is quite surprising the statistics of followers versus posting interaction. I would think that because of their great amount of followers, their posts would reflect higher interaction, but it is not the case. 

    3. FB COUNTY 

    Their description in their bio is “The Real OG S_it”. By this phrasing, it portrays that the style of clothing is aimed toward the Low Rider community and Chicano audience. Usually, this brand displays checkered flannel with a very unique cholo style. Also, tops and dresses for women are available. Their use of hashtags found was of “#lowrider” “#chicano” and “#FB”. Usually these hashtags are mostly found in their reels rather than the traditional posts. Their follower pool is that of 200K total and their post interactions is very very high, ranging from 3k to 5k likes and more than 300 comments per post. 

    Their last post made was a traditional post displaying two men modeling FB County cotton hoodies on a street background with a total of 6,896 likes and 405 positive comments. 

    4. HAWAIIAN FINEST Clothing 

    Based on Hawaii, this clothing brand offers Hawaiian styled custom apparel. Tribal styled shirts are available, with a mix of hoodies and shorts which display the Hawaiian vibe. The hashtags that they use are mostly “#hawaii” and “#ohana” within their reel posts. Only a few of traditional posts have hashtags. Their following pool is of 146k members but their interaction for each post is very low. With only a few likes such as 90 for some posts and in others no comment. 

    Their last post was about a pair of newly released sandals with the hashtag “#HIFinest”. This accounts a total of 107 likes and no comments. 

    Final Thoughts: 

    Something I have learned from these businesses is that reels have a wider reach of audience, and it can be channeled with hashtags. Furthermore, I could aslo implement this technique to gain a broader following pool by adding new reels with “#style” “#fashion” and even “#patches”. 


  1. I like that you used talked about the accounts' engagement. Studying the difference between the pages that get a lot of engagement and pages without much engagement is a good idea. You mentioned Instagram reels a few times and gave a lot of useful information, I didn't think of utilizing them but with the information you gave, I will start attempting to utilize them.


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