Week 11 Part B: Marketing with other Social Media

 On this posts, I will share the various views of my classmates on marketing with social media and will add a comment on their views. 

1. A very interesting I read on Towa’s post was that customers are inclined to purchase food they see on videos first. This I believe very accurate, because I even do it subconsciously. We tend to feel attracted more and more by images when it comes to food, and what more appealing than a video of someone eating and rating such foods? If I was running a restaurant, I’d surely post all my food on TikTok, no doubt. 

2. Emmanuel’s post on LinkedIn gave me a broad perspective on such platform. It did not quite explain what I was expecting in regards to marketing, however, if I analyze things again, the job arena is a job market where one sells him or herself. Also, Emmanuel described LinkedIn in a way where it made me want to start one win order to break into the professional world well prepared. 

I could not comment on their posts directly, but I did read their entire posts and left my comment here^


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