Week 12 Part B: Business Specific Tools

After analyzing the use of social media tools, I read four of my classmates’ post on such topic in order to reach a better understanding. The following are the names of my classmates and respective comments from my end. 

1. Towa Mizuno: Really liked how he puts in perspective the value of connections and social buildup for a better chance of business growth. That is definitely something I need to implement. 

2.  Emanuel Garcia: He gave the ideal of how valuable LinkedIn and professional platforms can boost your chance of meeting the right individuals who will help you grow in your business. I would say that that is very true, for business is not a do it yourself sort of game. 

3. Carlos Palacios: Carlos talks about communication platforms. I strongly believe that social connections should be maintained, however, sending text messages to every contact can be time consuming. That’s why chat groups are so handy and beneficial. I want to say that from now on I will say hi via group chat to my connections instead of individually sending texts, which will save me at least 25minutes of my day. 

4. Alexander Garza: I like how he explained the value of audience catching. I strongly believe that we should aim our efforts to specific groups of people, instead of wasting energy and time. 

    While reading my classmates’ ideas of online tools, I discovered that there are tools which are more adaptive to certain businesses. By this I mean that not all tools will fully work for all types of businesses. The owner should really pay attention which tools will result the most fruitful. 
    Online tools are helpful for businesses in a variety of ways, for example: enlarging your social connections, marketing advertising, and audience gaining. 
    However, not all businesses gain the same benefits from each online tools. Since there are different sorts of businesses by nature, not all online tools will work the same for each instance. If the goal is to gain connections for a professional firm, then LinkedIn would be the best choice, however, LinkedIn would not help much for a company who is trying to grow big on audience as TikTok or Instagram would. 
    This is the conclusion I have reached after reading others’ post and analyzing the topic from a different perspective. 


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