Week 13 Part A - Online Advertising

     After reading various posts of clothing advertising, what drew most of my attention was posts which included landscape picture backgrounds which depicts the overall vibe of the clothes being promoted. The advertising calls to action to purchase, persuading the audience with promotion codes and sales. 

    In comparison to these advertisements, there are a few which result annoying or a little too pushy. These include fast web pop ups which suggests the audience to purchase within a certain time frame before a sale expires. 
    The impact of traditional advertising such as: TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc. versus social media advertising result in a very differential state. In my opinion, social media advertising results in a higher reach if the right tools are put into work. For example, if someone has a large pool of followers in TikTok, it can be very fruitful for audience reach and advertising. 
    Some online advertising may be similar to traditional advertising. We can find such in YouTube adds. I feel that this is helpful since some individuals still find themselves with attraction on traditional advertising/ . 


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