Week 16 Part A: Developing your Marketing Strategy

 In today’s post, I will be explaining what my future marketing strategy will look like: 

    Some of the social media platform I will be utilizing for business growth will be TikTok and Instagram. These two social media boards have a large amount of reach and are business friendly. By this I mean that there are options for us, as business owners, to adjust the media settings and sign up as a business profile, rather than personal. 

    Some tools that I consider implementing in my strategy is Google Analytics, and Facebook scheduling tool. Google Analytics will assist me tracking my online URL traffic, with that giving me the best hours of the day to sell and an overall image of how many persons visit my page. 

    The one online tool I have enjoyed the most is facebook scheduling tool. It is very simple to use and also very convenient. The fact that I can schedule posts for future dates is simply amazing and time saving. However, since my business is relatively small, I think I should not spend a whole lot of money for the media packages of influencer. Once I am well established, I will spend a little more for marketings. 


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